Web Directory
Click here for just a plain-text list of RSS feeds. You can also download an OPML file containing these feeds.
https://balderdasch.neocities.org/ - Balderdasch's Spewing Pile
https://www.cruciverbology.com/ - Crosswords with a nerdy twist
https://digitalyoshixi.github.io/ - digitalyoshixi's personal portfolio
https://farazkaleemmalik.cyou - Faraz Kaleem Malik's personal/dev blog
https://gtamethane.org/ - We are a group of University of Toronto researchers investigating methane gas emissions in the Greater Toronto Area
https://madafue.github.io/ - A Chronicle of Random Ideas And Projects
https://madelahn.com/ - Madeline Ahn's personal site
https://msaifi.com/ - msaifi's personal site
https://sonechka.neocities.org/ - Marta's book and movie reviews.